Take our annual spring challenge!

Challenge people to sponsor you as you try to run / cycle / walk / push a wheelchair… as many miles as you can in May.

Miles in May challenge

Four easy steps

  1. Create an account on Go Fund Me (remember to ensure CASK Research Foundation is your chosen charity!)
  2. Create your fundraising page, choose an image (you can download our image here), choose a fundraising target and edit the example profile below to reflect your challenge. It is important that people understand how to ‘sponsor per mile’.
  3. Contact us to tell us your have signed up to the challenge so we can send you your FREE T-SHIRT.
  4. Start your challenge and log your miles on Strava or a similar system. Don’t forget to update your sponsors of your achievements.
  5. When May ends count up your miles and update your Go Fund Me page to tell everyone how you did. Your sponsors can then calculate their final donation.

Go Fund Me example profile:

“Please sponsor me as I try to run as many miles as I can this May. I can currently run about 2 miles a week. To pledge your amount per mile, first donate a small amount (say £1) and in your comment state your pledge per mile (10p a mile / 50p a mile etc). Once the month is over I will update all my sponsors via this page on what I have achieved and ask for the final sponsorship money. CASK Research Foundation means so much to me because my daughter suffers from CASK and, whilst there are scientists out there keen to research the disease and investigate treatments, there isn’t enough money to enable them to do this. Your donations will help provide research grants. Thank you!”

Copy and paste your edited profile onto your Go Fund Me page.