First pilot grant awarded

A cartoon image of a superman with a fly head

First CASK pilot grant awarded

A cartoon image of a superman with a fly head
We’ve just awarded a £25,000 pilot grant to Professor James Hodge at Bristol University.  Since 2003, Professor Hodge has been dedicated to a CASK quest, and it’s high time his dedication reaps rewards!
In partnership with Dr. Ben Housden from Exeter University, they’re creating something spectacular – a robust fly model for CASK research.
These flies are transforming into our miniature heroes by unraveling the CASK gene and developing treatments for CASK gene disorders. These winged crusaders will help us decipher the enigma of the CASK gene and hopefully lead us to affordable drug screening methods. Intriguingly, when these flies lose their CASK gene, they exhibit symptoms akin to humans with CASK disorders. But, when we insert the human CASK gene into them, they miraculously recover!
We’re thrilled to fortify our partnership with Bristol University and pave the way for more pioneering research.  
If you’re keen on backing superhero flies and brilliant minds, come aboard this exciting journey. Your contribution could be the crucial support these heroic flies need!

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